Susana de Dios

My longstanding collaboration with Susana has allowed me not only so work on her more nature based photography but also on our joint project GAZE. A project that sought to represent the diversity of gender identity by capturing portraits of transgender and non-binary subjects. 

I have worked with Susana to bring her naturalistic photography work further into the public eye, which has also extended into our collaboration on the project GAZE. This is a partnership that has seen me not only aquire press but also facilitate further collaborations and aid in the organisation of exhibitions. I have also worked to help Susana gain funding from the Arts Council UK.

More recently, I worked to facilitate a collaboration between Susana and Apple TV, wherein her photography was selected to feature in psychological TV thriller, Disclaimer, starring Cate Blanchett.

For enquiries into Susana’s work please fill out our contact form here.


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